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JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: japan (i wish)
diffusion of manga - 11-28-2007, 01:29 AM

Ok, for school I have to make a map (and write a report) about some aspect of some culture that has spread through out the world. And I decided to do manga.

The map is suposed to be like a map/timline thing. I'm suposed to show where manga started (Japan duh, I know that one) and make arows with pointing to where (and include time periods of when) it spread to. I don't have to do every country that now has manga as part of the culture, but I do need as many as I can get.

So here is the reason I started this thread: It's hard to find information. Anyone who knows anything about when manga started apearing in you're country (besides Japan), when(if) original artists started to create there own manga, and anything else you can think of relevant to the history of manga in you're country.

I live in the United States but I'm not entirley sure when manga started coming over here (I think the early 90's? Maybe a little in the late 80's?) so I need help with that too.

Try to cite you're sources. If you can't that's ok, but I might not use it because I forgot to ask if I can use people on messageboards as sources (Ussualy I can't but on this kind of asignment it might be ok).

So if anyone has any information that could help me, I would really apriciate it. Thank You.
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