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(#16 (permalink))
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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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12-13-2007, 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by Ito View Post
i think this thread is foolish.. some like whites some like asians and soo onn..
we do all have our own tastes in whats sexy same goes with personality..
I don't think it's foolish and you wouldn't think this study was foolish if you understood what goes into research. Inter is a candidate for a doctorate in sociology and that is a huge accomplishment. Inter's major of study deals with human interactions and behavior to some extent and interracial interactions obviously struck an interest. The research that will conducted has the potential to become peer-reviewed material. Any individual who has been to an accredited university will know that the reading of peer-reviewed research is usually mandatory. Let's say you wanted to research "why people commit crimes." You need somewhere to start. You can use an inductive method by observing subjects and using empirical validity to form a theory or make generalization. Another way would be to use the deductive method and look at established theories like the "Social Learning Theory," "Routine Activity Theory," etc. Because of these types of peer-reviewed studies we learn more about people, the way we socialize, and in some cases the reason why turn out the way we did.

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