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TheUnknown (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 538
Join Date: Sep 2007
12-18-2007, 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by MusicLuver View Post
I really don't know, Unknown. I guess they just look cooler dirty lol wait till you buy a pair bro...just wait till you buya pair lol

umm...why are you confessing in the 'show us your style' thread??? >.>"
um.. maybe they want it to look old school.. kinda like leather jacket.. they want it to be used heaps so the leather is flexable or something.. and idk why?! O_O maybe a few hours before boarding the plane and going away for a month or so does this to you, lol.. yep.. wont be on JF =_=

O_o someone actually got confused as well?! lol..

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