Thread: dub or sub
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(#33 (permalink))
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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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01-09-2008, 03:34 PM

I like subtitles better because it is difficult if not impossible at times to capture a character's mannerism. For example, a lot of soft-hearted, kind, or innocent male characters have females as the voice actors in Japanese; as in Kenshin, Goku, Goten. This gets switched when dubbed in English. Another thing is, how do you capture a character's mannerism, way of speaking, or even custom when they speak a different dialect? Using English as an example, we don't have an equivalent of 関西弁(Osaka and surrounding area dialect) or 東北弁(Northeastern dialect); a good example of Osaka/surrounding area dialect would be the Vizards from Bleach. Last thing I can think of is 尊敬語(honorific speech) used when speaking with someone of a different social status and 侍弁(samurai speech). Yes, samurai have a different way of speaking too. You cannot capture these qualities when dubbing the character voices.

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