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samokan (Offline)
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03-05-2008, 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by Kai13 View Post
Hi there.
I did not came here for a while =P

Here's the deal, I want to go to japan, my father told me that one of this days we would go there, but it will take a lot of time for us to go there.

I'm portuguese, I wanted to know if I'll be well welcomed there.

How much it will cost the trip, in euros? I've been reading a lot of this forum's topics, but I want all this together. I have 150 euros saved, I know it will cost a lot more.

I'm a girl, when I go there, I'll use two ponytails on the sides of my head to look as japanese as possible.

As it will be my first time in Japan, I would like to know which places I should visit first, and were should I sleep?

Are the videogames and mangas and whatever cheap in Japan? I wanted to buy something for my DS

Is it really necessary to know japanese? I know the numbers 1-20, I know how to introduce myself, i know jhow to ask "what's this/that" and a few more things. Nevertheless till then I can still learn a lot.
I'm 16, it's not too late to start learning japanese, no? I shall learn it in a school within two years.
i will give you some approximate prices in yen and just do the conversion ..
you can use for that..

new manga are Y390 + tax = 409 ( approx )
Nintendo DS games usually range from Y3000 - 5000yen but sometimes they do have sales and there are also second hand shop which sold them at really cheap prices and the items are still in good condition.

ponytail?? why would it make you more japanese??

*** Omnia Muntantor, Nihil Interit ***

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