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laurengl88 (Offline)
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situation dilemma - 04-15-2008, 03:34 AM

so here's how it goes: there's a situation going on that if it is not taken care of millions of people will die, quite possibly the entire world. There is a way to take care of it, but it will require someone dieing. There are two people: the first one is a guy who, although he is fairly new to this time period and does not quite understand everything going on in society(he's from the past), has a girlfriend who loves him very much, and if he died, she would kill herself. The other is a guy, who also has friends, one the girl before mentioned, but he has terminal cancer, and the doctors have told him that he probably only has a week or two to live.
If you were writing a story with this situation, which (of the three) would you choose: everyone dieing, guy from past with one person needing his presence, or the guy with cancer, who has a lot of people whom he is important to.
Either way, someone dies.

you see those birds outside your window? they're stalking you.

I may not be better than you, but you are no better than me.

May you have all you need, and may you never want what you don't need.
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