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04-15-2008, 03:54 AM

Originally Posted by laurengl88 View Post
so here's how it goes: there's a situation going on that if it is not taken care of millions of people will die, quite possibly the entire world. There is a way to take care of it, but it will require someone dieing. There are two people: the first one is a guy who, although he is fairly new to this time period and does not quite understand everything going on in society(he's from the past), has a girlfriend who loves him very much, and if he died, she would kill herself. The other is a guy, who also has friends, one the girl before mentioned, but he has terminal cancer, and the doctors have told him that he probably only has a week or two to live.
If you were writing a story with this situation, which (of the three) would you choose: everyone dieing, guy from past with one person needing his presence, or the guy with cancer, who has a lot of people whom he is important to.
Either way, someone dies.
Mmmm, very interesting... I´m feeling it.. I find interesting the "past character"... I dont know why I see myself reflected in this character (and I just read this shot part of the story)... in the other hand.. the girl looks very very powerful character... in fact... maybe she is the "reason" for the "past" guy.... and the cancer character... mmm.. maybe if he does not die in the story, he is already dead... its just matter of time)

Lovly characters you have... maybe you could write 3 "pre-endings"... write one if the past character die, one if the lady die and another one for the cancer character...
then sleep, a nice and peaceful napp... wake up and read the 3 "pre-endings" and choose the one that fits into the story

Keep on writing

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