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tommasi (Offline)
West Tokyo Native
Posts: 179
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Tokyo
05-01-2008, 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by swiftiey View Post
Okay, thanks.
Would I be able to survive on jobs that don't really "require" visas?
Such as being a waiter, modelling/acting, busking, etc etc.

You as a foreigner, need a visa to work in Japan.

Jobs for foreigners are limited in the first place compare to numbers of jobs available to Japanese so your chances of surviving in Japan is slim at this point.

You see, people come to Japan for different reasons but many of them come in as language teachers because that's the easiest and fastest way.

It is a lot easier to get teaching jobs if you have a bachelor's degree.

For the music scene, if it's tough for local Japanese kids to make living out of music, it would be even more difficult for you.

The best chance for you is to send your music to Japanese record labels. If you are good, who knows maybe someone might sponsor you.

Entertainment visa requires you to have a sponsor as well and you need to find one.

Good luck!!
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