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koaku (Offline)
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06-08-2008, 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
Bwa hah hah.
You believe a politician just because he used the word denounce?

Everyone gets health care in the US. Even if they don't have health insurance. Have you seen the signs in hospitals. I have seen many people die and seen many many people sent to the hospital in the ambulance. The system is amazing. When in Japan the doctors couldn't even diagnose a case of tonsiltius.

Yes, I do judge people by thier past crimes and the company they keep. It says a lot about an individual.

McCain has shown many times a strong ability to reach across party lines. Obama has never ever done anyhting out of step with the extreme liberal arm of the Democrat party. He has the done nothing in Washington D.C. and is considered the most liberal momber of congress.

Barak will never solve the energy crisis because he is against drilling, against nuclear energy, against everything except making everything prohiitively expensive, which crushes the working class. Or over regulating things, which liberals tend to do (just look at thier primary rules) which tends to destroy economies.

Can U explain?

I'll tell you something .. There is a difference btw believing in someone and believing someone.

Believing that Obama or Mc Cain will change everything its being naive, belief in Obama or Mc Cain to change things its not being utopian but optimistic.

Dont believe the press or the media,they are manipulates public opinion, Use your instinct. This election its like with friends, your not waiting necessarily them to proof their friendship for their trust, but you do trust your instincts and your capacity for judgement. You can say what you want today, If in November Mc Cain wins and that after one or two years nothing changes, Mc Cain has betrayed your confidence and you will probably think .. " I would certainly vote for Obama, it will not have been worse "and vice versa for Obama ..

Im not saying that we should not have confidence in politics, but we must learn to form an opinion that outside what the media (TV, newspapers, political) can tell us, because if you look deeply :
-They are people who are in power
-those who work with them
And the rest..The Rest are sheep who think only for their small person and their small comfort, which merely the minimum when it could have more ... and always in The Rest... there is also another category of person who uses their brains to think and not to manipulate stupidly by the rest of the population ..

I Honestly, seriously and truly.....don't care about U
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