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(#22 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
06-23-2008, 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by ChisaChi View Post
I'm planning on JET too... from what I can see, the general pay and conditions of other English teaching jobs in Japan are around the point where I have to wonder if it's worth leaving my job and life here for it. I haven't looked into non-JET options all that well though.
I taught in a smaller company with a bunch of schools and enjoyed it. Every company (at home, too) has problems, but the worst part was the American managers. The Japanese staff were always great. Things may have changed, but the JETs told me they felt like drones and didn't really teach. They were props and no one took their ideas seriously. Didn't want to hear new ideas. In my company, I was thrown to the wolves from day one. But I wanted to teach and had complete autonomy, as long as tings went well. I controlled everything about my classes except time and who enrolled.
If you have an established career, why endanger that for a dead-end job, unless you have skills and speak Japanese enough to parlay that into something more in Japan.
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