Thread: I need help.
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I need help. - 07-04-2008, 04:44 AM

I love J-fashion, and buy japanese magazines, even though I can't read them (Except for Shojo Beat and Gothic and Lolita Bible, which are translated in english, which makes me happy), and I'll see companies with clothes I really like, but I don't have the money for it. I took sewing, so making it isn't THAT much of a problem, but the issue is patterns. Lots of Loli magazines have Paterns, one that I really like has a bunch of them and highly detailed, if Japanese, instruction on how to construct them. But Loli is not the only fashion I like (I like it, but alot of it seems WAY too impracticle. I usualy act and dress more boyishly most of the time, I use Lolita to get in touch with a feminine, more well mannered me). I want to make outfits like H-nato, and Dark Red Rum, and Black Peace Now, but there are no paterns for outfits like that, and the last time I mentioned altering a pattern didn't go to well with my parents, and I don't know if I can make my own. So where do I start buying patterns.
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