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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
08-19-2008, 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by MMM
I think you guys are being a little harsh on the OP.

Keep in mind that most of the people here that have misconstrued ideas about Japan are also never actually going to go there.

Anime and manga were not popular or available in the US when I first went to Japan, so I didn't have a misconstrued opinion...i basically went knowing nothing so there was nothing to mistake.

I get nervous when people romanticize the yakuza. For every Robin Hood-like act you might hear about there are hundreds of things that will make you not so excited to meet one.
I also went to Japan not knowing much about it... So it was easy finding an appreciation for the culture as it was, plainly presented in front of me.

Life in reality is less graceful than life as portrayed in the movies... But, taking into consideration that most movies are based on aspects of reality, there has to exist some truth.
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