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JoshAussie (Offline)
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08-24-2008, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Japanese MOTHERS hug and kiss their children, sleep next them until well into grade school, bathe with them until close to adulthood, etc.
Affection at home in a family setting is a lot different than customs when walking around in public.

Japanese fathers, on the other hand, have a history of being a bit distant from the children - although this is changing a lot in recent years. But as I presume you`re an adult (or at least old enough to not be of the current generation of children) the chance that her father was very close is fairly low.

You`re assuming it`s a foreign concept to begin with.
It`s not. People just don`t go around getting all that touchy feely in public.

Love and affection are not American concepts. If you want "American" love, date an American.
Sorry but did i just read that correctly???
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