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(#128 (permalink))
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ChisaChi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 183
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Australia
08-27-2008, 05:20 AM

That works for me, I'd have a lot of difficulty relating JET back to my career track anyway. Last year's prompt for the Australian application seems to invite a bit of focus on yourself though - “If you were successful in your application, what particular goals would you like to achieve, and what specific contributions do you think you could make in your position as a CIR or ALT?". Not sure how I'd deal with that, I wonder if the prompts change every year?

Random question, since all three of us seem quite eager and are preparing so far in advance - is anyone keeping up with Japanese news or reading any Japanese literature? Any recommendations? I just added the Japan Times and Japan Today news feeds to my RSS collection. Probably won't benefit me that much in terms of getting in, but scanning through some headlines every now and then can't hurt.

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