Thread: Trader in Japan
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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09-03-2008, 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by berrio View Post
I'm a futures trader in Europe (Portugal) and have been thinking of rellocating to Japan - I know the culture, country and know how hard it can be being a gaijin on those islands, but I have a deep fascination for the country and culture [and yes I know it is not paradise... I'm also an anime fan but do have a brain ].

My question is simple [and I apologize if this question was already brought up]:
I have a 4 year degree in Economics and am finishing a post-grad in finance. I also have work experience in hedge funds/trading. I'm making plans to move to Japan (the plan is to live and work and learn there for some years) and am wondering how hard will it be to find a job [in my field preferably] and apply for a work Visa in Japan.

Guilherme Diaz-Bérrio
Japanese language ability in not necessary for a trader, a non-Japanese would not be hired by a Japanese bank. Almost all foreign traders in Japan work for foreign banks. Your best bet is to find a bank in your own country which has a branch in Japan and apply for a position through them. Most people at large banks consider working overseas to be a "hardship", so it's possible that a person who wishes to work overseas might be offered a position.

My gf works for an American investment bank in Tokyo, and all of their traders are foreigners. None arrived in Japan with language skills, though all had a fair amount of work experience before arriving.

If you have a post-graduate education, you might be able to find employment in one of the international universities located in Japan teaching finance. Japanese language ability would be somewhat important for this type of job, you would need to be able to speak at a conversational level.
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