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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-04-2008, 06:21 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I am endlessly amazed at the amount of ignorance people possess about political matters. Many people who complain most loudly about their country are so ignorant that they would have a hard time finding it on a map.

Exactly what rights have been taken away from Americans over the last century? Other than regulating tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, there have been no rights lost, and many gained.

As for Bush, I didn't vote for him, but I don't hate him either. What do any of you here really know about Bush's foreign policy? Other than the war, exactly what do people have to complain about? Exactly how have you personally been affected by his policies?

And, speaking of the war, what do you really know about it? That people 4000 soldiers have died there over the last 5 years? 40,000 will be killed in traffic accidents in America this year, hundreds of thousands will be injured. Read your history, and understand that war is just another form of diplomacy. It should be a last resort, but it should be used whenever necessary. As things are looking in Iraq now, unless something goes terribly wrong, history may prove Bush to have been right.

Now, tell me which countries in the world have a higher standing of living than America. Tell me in which country it is that people earn more money per year. Tell me why 50% of the world's population would give their right arm to be able to live and work in America. And then tell me again that America is not a place to be proud of.
Why so defensive?

By the way... Mexico is not 50% of the world's population