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EveV (Offline)
Flee from hate.
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09-12-2008, 02:47 PM

We bought a generator, tons of water and canned foods.
I live in Houston.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be fine.
We have a house made of brick that's two stories and a large basement.
My garage can take 130mph winds, if it really comes down to that.

My only worry is my pets.
I've tried to get in contact with numerous people up north that would take some of the cats off our hands.
But they've all said the same thing " I don't want to be responsible for someone elses pets"

...The storm isn't even going to hit them heavy. ( if at all. )

If I die though you guys can fight amongst each other over all the bright pink hello kitty shit in my room.
And I know most of the males here are into that kinda of stuff, So have fun boys!

: D

"The sky is cryin...
Can't you see the tears roll down the street?"
- Stevie Ray Vaughan
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