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(#199 (permalink))
Sketchy (Offline)
Kind of a big deal
Posts: 63
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ireland
09-17-2008, 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by YukisUke View Post
I live in America, but even though i said that i do love my country, i'm not so sure. And here's why. America has a lot of oppritunities for it's people. But not for black people. Yes, i'm black and for black people, our only options in America are poverty, jail, or death. They abhore and loathe us because of our skin color. Sorry to darken the mood but i can't feel proud for a country that doesn't accept various skin colors.
I don't live there but that's not the impression I get, what about all the famous black singers, athletes and actors etc?, I'm pretty sure they're doing alright.