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ThirdSight (Offline)
Bane of Stupidity
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11-10-2008, 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by HaidosLilFanGurl View Post
What keeps me from getting a BF is because I hear too many of guys conversations and they're never about what they like about the girl, it's always about their looks. And I actually do like someone right now but I won't go after him because most guys in my eyes are too shallow(but I don't think he's like that). So I don't have time for that because I'm not pretty, I'm just average.

Quite frankly it really pisses me off when I hear guys talk like that.
'Cause guys never hear about how shallow girls are either, mainly wanting guys with an Olympian figure, or out shopping for what will tease men more or make them more attractive than the other women they're shopping with, and don't forget how women will care so much about their body that they neglect the more important things, such as making sure that their IQ is higher than the highest setting on their thermostat.

Funny how that can work both ways ya'?

Originally Posted by clairebear View Post
...Yeeeeeah. I just wanna find a guy who cares about ME, and not just my body or my looks. That's one thing I HATE. =) But unfortunately all the sweet guys I've talked to online, live in different countries..
Would you be surprised if I told you that if you were to visit the sweet guys you talk to online, they'd most likely be swooning over your body as well? If you're a good lookin' lass, guys will look.

I love it when people look at things in only one way.


How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts?

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