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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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11-28-2008, 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
There is a theory to describe the influence of the media, called the 'Hypodermic Needle.' This is the theory that people see the media, take it all in without a conscious thought, and are influenced by it. Personally, I think while this may be the case for very few people, it's not the general feeling.

Another theory which I'm incline to agree with more is the 'Two-Step Flow' theory, which is were the main source of the information comes from the media and is filtered down through 'opinion leaders' - people who do heavily influence the way people think. It's a sort of mediation through the opinion leaders which makes it less heavily media influenced.
Interesting... what would be an example of an opinion leader?

I think the two step flow sounds about right when it comes to news media. But when it comes to violence in video games, porn increasingly entering the mainstream etc. I believe the "Hypodermic Needle" theory sounds more accurate...

But I haven't really studied the subject in depth... is there something I'm missing?
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