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Salvanas (Offline)
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Official roleplaying. - 12-09-2008, 09:49 PM

I know there are some roleplaying threads in the creative forums, and I'm sure like some other people on the forum, I can't be the only roleplayer who dislikes them because they are... well... bad.

I want to make a roleplaying thread, but I'm just afraid that it'll disappear under all the other parts of the section. Is there anyway we could have a sub section just for roleplaying. If we can, I'm sure many people would actually join JF to Rp as well as enjoy all our other parts.

Because, although there are many RPing guilds and forums out there, I'm almost positive there are many people here who can use their creative minds to take part and have fun in these roleplays.

Let me give you a small idea of what I have in mind. I was thinking of three types of RP. Beginners, Casual, and Advanced. Beginners are for people who are not 100% sure of how RPing works, but are interested and can start off with many other beginners in there.

Casual are RPs that are abit more structured and are more fun. For the people who enjoy just small RPing. There are still rules ofcourse.

Then you have Advanced, which is where I'll mostly be. It'll be for the people who can create and expand a universe with proper structured writing and sentences. This is a place for the more literate people.

What do you think?

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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