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(#155 (permalink))
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Keaton421 (Offline)
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12-14-2008, 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
You don't have to be too negative because this movie didnt follow every detail from the anime. We just saw the trailer and I think it's really unfair to judge this movie because of bad costumes and bad hairstyles. Honestly, I wouldnt watch this movie if everything from the anime is followed, like the costumes, that's just like watching guys in a costume party that are suddenly called to do a movie. And besides, this is america, and the majority of people here doesnt like animes.
I'm always negative! To me this looks like a Disney Channel Original. Just some cheap knockoff. If they can't even get the characters' looks right, no amount of explosions can save the film. I never understand American directors' penchant for taking good things and saying "I could do it better." Usually, it's worse.

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