Thread: I Love You
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JF Ossan
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01-18-2009, 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
In a dictionary I have, it says that's just love, not I love you. now I'm just confused.

I thought I love you was aishiteru? or something like that?
愛している aishiteiru is the most literally translated way of saying "I love you."

This is only my opinion, and others may disagree, but I feel like it is a phrase used more in songs and movies than in actual application.

I have heard women say they would get a creepy feeling if a man actually said "aishiteiru" to them. (Like it sounds like "I give you my heart and my soul forever and ever".) Maybe it's more appropriate with husbands and wives or moms and kids (??)

I am assuming the OP isn't asking what to say to his wife, so if he is wanting to declare his feelings for a girlfriend, I would use suki.
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