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TheAmazingOti (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Traveling to Japan for a Game Show, Need Major Help! - 02-02-2009, 02:37 AM

Hey everyone. I'm a total nooblet when it comes to traveling, especially to another country, ESPECIALLY to one on the other side of the planet, so... help?

Let's see... where to start... Well, I'm trying to get on a Japanese game show called Sasuke (aired as Ninja Warrior in the U.S.). In order to participate, however, I need to get to Japan and find my way to the T.V. studio. The studio is TBS Midoriyama Studios and it is in Yokohama.

To get there, I apparently need to start at the Yokohama train station and take the Yokohama Line 10 to Nagatsuta station, which is a short trip. From there, I'll need to change to the Kodomonokuni line (a shuttle train). At the second (and last) station, Kodomonokuni station, it's about a mile to Midoriyama Studios. There's a bus that runs this mile long route, so I was thinking of catching that instead of walking.

Also, I wanted to go to Muscle Park. If you don't know, it's address is:

Muscle Park
Decks Tokyo
Island Mall 5F
1-6-1 Daiba,Minato-ku
Tokyo Japan

It's not that far really, I just need some help figuring out my train routes.

I was going to fly from the U.S. and land in Haneda Airport, or Tokyo International Airport. This is a common place to fly to and it's roughly in the middle between Midoriyama Studios and Muscle Park.

Once I have the main routes planned, if that's possible, I'll decide on a hotel and then we can fine-tune the plans.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need more information, just tell me.

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