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SceptileMaster (Offline)
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Question about Nori. - 02-16-2009, 11:01 PM

Just got some nori from an asian super market yesterday and it I have a question about something it says on the side of the container.

CAUTION: This package contains a packet of 'DESICCANT' to protect the product from dampness.

DO NOT EAT it. Keep this out of reach of children.

Now I'm not sure if this means not to eat the nori which I suppose would render it a bit pointless and reduce its uses for decoration or if it is telling me not to eat the desiccant. I don't know if it is common to see this on the side of nori containers (it's in a sort of plastic jar, in strips). I hope I got the right thing. It says teriyaki nori in hiragana on the front of it. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated thanks, this is the first time I've bought nori because it's the first time I managed to find it.
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