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waningmoons (Offline)
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03-16-2007, 10:12 AM

I do know that Japan up until several years ago apologized for the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor, and said they were wrong to have done so. The Japanese government also withheld info just letting the US story that it was a surprise attack dominate.

Not sure if you are aware of this, but there is actually hard evidence (both in the US and Japan) that the United States knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor and that Japan had already declared war on the US (the US government just let the attack happen). Whether it is "right" or "justified" depends on how you look at war. According to international law, what Japan did was perfectly alright as a country at war with the US. Others may say it was wrong no matter what.

Recently more Japanese are aware of the supressed info. The Japanese students I spoke to don't think the attack was "right", but they also don't view it as negatively since according to the laws of war it was legal.

Hope that helps~
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