Thread: Japanese tutor
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(#5 (permalink))
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Kinsora (Offline)
"Might there be mink?"
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03-20-2009, 01:03 AM

I admit, i DID use a translator on about half of it, because i wanted to get the point across without confusion, and i'm sorry if it made no sense. You didn't have to point out that i did use a translator, and if you got the basic idea, you could have at least answered my question. And i do REALLY spend hours studying japanese out of textbooks, and disciplining myself, and making flash cards.
Can we say "rusty" if we've never used something? Copy and Paste just doesn't count as practise.
I have used japanese, i have posed conversations with other people on this and other forums in true translator-free japanese. If you don't believe me, why not pose a simple conversation with me, and i will reply back, in my own words. if you are so picky about my japanese, then if you would be kind enough to help my japanese, i would greatly appreciate it, which brings me back to the original topic of this post. I am not saying that i don't like you for this, people like you, nyororin, and nagoyankee help learners with their japanese by correcting their mistakes. people learn from their mistakes. I was just trying to get the point across that if you criticize others rather then politely correct them, that won't get anyone anywhere. And thank you for being nicer than nyororin.

(DID WITHOUT TRANSLATOR, so feel free to correct me, anytime.)

If my Japanese confuses you, if you don't undestand, you are always free to correct my grammar.

Last edited by Kinsora : 03-20-2009 at 01:32 AM.
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