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cridgit001 (Offline)
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04-11-2009, 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I didn't say all of you. Surely you know how few people watch the news, yet I watch it for an hour a day (world news from the BBC), 50% of which is usually centered around America since that's just the way things are.
Well I know I'm not in the American Matrix of Media because I don't take the news stations as the end all be all. If anything they are jumping off points for me to do my own reading about it. I usually just watch the Daily Show if I feel like getting any news usually. John seems to be more level-headed than the other "news" anchors. As long as news stations are more concerned about ratings than actual good reporting(ex. "Could something be killing you in your sleep, find out tomorrow at 11"), I have trouble taking them seriously. I am talking about mine in America(CNN, NBC, FOX, and the other main ones), not necessarily everyone else.
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