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(#137 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
04-17-2009, 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
That's giving it a little too much thought, and going a little bit too far. That's like:

X: I hate chocolate
Y: Oh that must mean you must hate milk because milk is in chocolate

No, X doesn't hate milk, he just hates chocolate. Get a clue
I wish I had a clue.

You're right.... but only to a certain extent.
Hating milk (The World) can act as the foundation for hating chocolate (America) because they are closely related. Though, I'm not sure comparing America to chocolate and The World to milk is an accurate analogy -- assuming you were aiming to be accurate. Modern day America comprises significantly of foreign people and cultures; You can't have modern day America without having foreign cultures ~ While you can have chocolate without milk.

America is largely diverse. Name any country in the world and I can almost guarantee you there are people from that country that live in - or better yet: migrated to - America. So, when a person says they hate Americans, who, exactly, are they referring to?