Thread: Marry ^^
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JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
04-23-2009, 08:20 PM

"Early marriage is a key predictor of later divorce. Nearly half of people
who marry under age 18 and 40 percent under age 20 end up divorced. It's
only 24 percent for people who marry after age 25."
-Atlanta Journal Constitution

Slow down, man. You are 17 years old. Have you even been to Japan? How much time have you and your girlfriend actually spent together? You literally have your whole lives to do this, and you've already booked a church? Where are you going to live? What are you going to do for a living? What is she going to do? It appears higher education is not in your plans, so how do you plan on working?
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