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Hyakushi (Offline)
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Mercy Kills: Yes, No, Maybe. - 05-04-2009, 08:01 PM

I had a very intresting conversation (more on the line of argument) with a fellow coworker. We were discusing Mercy Kills and if it should pass in our state. If no one knows what Mercy Kills are, its when someone is ill or in pitiful state of being and a family member kills them or they kill themselves.
What are your veiws on this intelligently?.

(One rule for this discussion like every other debate, No Religious support (Not everyone believes in god or one god so no "Its gods choice when you die").

In my opinion I think people should have the choice to end there life if they are in a great amount of pain. Its their life and they should be able to make the choice of ending it. Some would say its suicide, which it is but when a person commits suicide they do not get there social security pention and there families do not recieve anything from the government. With the bill passing they will be able to collect some amount of money depending on their job and there social security. I also think there should be an age limit or some form of judging if the person really needs to die. Like maybe only the sick and people who are in a vegitible state should have the option of killing themselves but not a kid in school who is depressed because they got held back in school or something.

I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.

Last edited by Hyakushi : 05-04-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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