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(#137 (permalink))
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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05-05-2009, 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Multiple reason, perhaps.

First, choice is probably the more correct word. We can choose to be violent or not violent. That is natural.

Second, natural selection is failing in the human species. In a more natural world, say 10,000 BC, certain characters failed and weak people died, thus only strong genes were passed on. It is not so anymore, with any pathetic moron able to survive in this society.

If you have no will or ability to fight, Ronin, then I doubt you'd fare so well in a natural world. So perhaps you're a biological failure?
The part I bolded is as far as I agree with you....

If the choice to be violent is a natural one... then why is the choice to be non-violent not natural?

I mean why would you go further than the ability to choose to describe human nature when a human can rationalize either way depending on circumstance?

Also you show your narrow mindedness when you call me "weak". Natural selection is still at work. Your idea as to what constitutes as superior is your problem. To "survive" in the world intellect is as important as physical prowess. How the heck do you think we've come so far as humans? You have a very Spartan outlook on life... it's a shame the Spartans were eventually conquered... otherwise you might have a point and I might take you seriously.

BTW it's irrelevant but I'll have you know that I train almost everyday and have been an active interest in the martial arts since I was a kid.
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