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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-11-2009, 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Even if you do marry a Japanese, you'll have to pick one with a good job/income; immigration will not let you enter the country unless your spouse is employed and has the means to support you. Otherwise you'll probably need to be sponsored by one of her family members in addition to being married, which is even harder than it sounds.

Something which everyone, including myself who did this, forgets.
You need proof of support in order to get that spousal visa - they won`t just give it to you.

When I got married, my husband was working enough to support us despite being a student at the time... But they would not even consider the visa until we had his father present a crapload of documentation showing that he was willing to sponsor me. And even then, a 3 year visa was pretty much a pipe dream. I got a 6 month visa. Then another 6 months, then a year, then another year... for 5 years before they granted me a 3 year visa. I had to have a kid, my husband hit manager class, AND me get a degree before they`d grant it.

Marriage does not equal some easy way to a visa. They still are saying I have pretty much no chance of getting a PR visa at this point because we married so young. Apparently young spousal visa holders are pretty often marriage for visa types - so immigration is not too kind their way.

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