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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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05-12-2009, 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
Even if your bed ridden there is no plausible reason why they cannot be encouraged to live the rest of there lives out in a fruitful manner to them. I'll repeat; what is to say that a cure cannot be found, and by that they could be cured?

Who the f*ck do you think you are for telling them that they have no plausible reason not to live out the rest of their lives?

The fact that you base your argument on the idea that a cure might be found? Give me a break... you fail to understand how medicine works. It's not like a cure is found overnight... like one day there is no cure and the next day there is. Medicine requires YEARS of research on testing and trials before it becomes available to the public.

You also fail to understand terminal illness. It's not like you're simply bed-ridden with an inconvenient set of symptoms brought about by your illness. These people are often in a lot of pain before they go... (depending on their disease).. so much so that they have to be pumped full of morphine to stem such pain.

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
In what way does suicide equate dignity? I would have much more respect for someone who choose to live out there lives instead of choosing to opt out.
Suicide doesn't equate dignity... but ending your days in a sanitized hospital bed kept alive by drugs and machines may not be exactly the way people would like to go.
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