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(#28 (permalink))
Troo (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 240
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: UK
05-14-2009, 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Please stop speaking of which you do not know. It is highly infuriating. Provide sources.
Ah yes, a single source on the internet. Quick, let me just go write a wikipedia article and link to it as proof of my own genius.

Docteur (that would be Docteur, not Doctour, as your *cough* "highly reputable internet source" claims), Daktari and Doctor share the same Latin root... A language which itself was derived from Greek, Phoenician and Umbrian, which were derived from... Oh it goes on. You get the idea.

I'll just drop you a hyperlink to the evidence... Oh, wait, I can't. It's in actual, real, physical books on my bookshelves. The kind of books where they were proofread before being slapped on the internet and claimed as The One Truth.

Seriously though, you've got no grasp of how language spreads and evolves. You think "a priori" is English because you use it and "ergo" isn't because you personally don't.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a suitcase to pack. 私は東京に行きます.

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