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(#85 (permalink))
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YuriTokoro (Offline)
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05-25-2009, 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
Ye gads. You weren't kidding about it being confusing. It's a good thing the hero of the story is unnamed as it would only complicate things further to read it.
Thanks, Koir, as always!

Impression: Do men prefer to be loved by a woman rather than to love a woman?
If I were the hero, I would live with her. I would like to live with a person I love, even if the person didn’t love me.
Referring to bolded sentence: A one sided love is still love, I suppose. But eventually love needs two people who feel the same way about each other. Without that, it's just not workable.
I’ve been thinking about what you said.
You must be right, but still, if I were the hero, I would live with her.
I think people change, and their loves change too. After feeling the same way about each other, one of them or both of them will change. So, I would value my love.

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