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Ponizm (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Japanese Mythology - 06-06-2009, 12:16 AM

Hey, my name is Pon.

I am interested in japanese mythology and I saw a book [what I want to borrow from the libary by time] about demons and stuff.
I found Kuniyoshi, the catwitch in it and I kinda really like her image. So I wanted to ask you guys, if you have any idea where I can find more in the www?
I searched for her name, but there was an artist in the 18th century who was called kuniyoshi. So my results were more then poor and when I look for catwitch or japanese demons, the only are those known stuff as oni and so on.
So I'd be very grateful for any help.

I want to know more about her, I need her Kanjis and so on.
Would be nice of you all to help me.
Thanks in advance.
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