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Columbine (Offline)
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06-25-2009, 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

I highly disagree with this. Illegal is illegal. The law CLEARLY states that rape is illegal. Now, if the individual still thinks that rape is okay, then it's his own mind that should be brought into question. Not the game.

I agree that although rape games are over the top, in the end they're fantasies. Everyone has fantasies that they're not proud about, and someone saying that they don't would be lying. Hentai and these games exist for that reason. You can enjoy these fetishes and fantasies in private without the problem of judgement from the rest of the world.

The real problem is when these fantasies start becoming reality. Most people don't let it become reality though, many of them keep it a fantasy. I have many friends, who are sexually active, and socially liked people, who are into stuff like tentacles, rape and some even guro. (We're a close group of friends who shares things with each other.) As someone claimed that most of the people that play these games are otakus, I disagree with that statement.

I've played one of this games, and although it didn't cater to me, it wasn't horrendous. It's a simple hentai "e-book" with sound. It's not even a game. Hell, I wouldn't class it as one.
Let me just say straight up i have never played one of these games, or a game, and i've only ever seen someone else playing something like GTA and shoot-em-up games. Thus, I was running on the assumption that unlike GTA where the victims are little blob people who just explode into red pixels when you smush them, that the rape games focused rather more individually on who is getting raped.

Moreover, the violent games tend to have goals OTHER than the killing of random innocents. You can just coincidently blow off as many (probably 'evil') alien's heads in as interesting ways as you like on your way to... fix a computer or something. Sounds to me (again without playing) like the goals of the rape games are rather more focussed- get the girl into a rape-able situation and go at it.

Next, yes, the violence is supposed to be enjoyable, but it's still not necessarily being marketed as a pornography. It might be fun, but it's not supposed to be a turn on, and that's a big yet subtle difference and I think you might be underestimating the subliminal affect that has.

As to whether it's the consumer's minds or the game that should be called into question OR NOT, the producer still has a massive responsibility for what they produce. This is especially true for socially sensitive products, and shouldn't be palmed off so easily. Admittedly this depends very much on the individual game, but regardless, with making money off of entertainment based solely on rape and the trivialization of the harm it does comes great responsibility.

Finally, yes, fine that people have fetishes, and it's an outlet for it and most can distinguish between fiction and reality; I can appreciate that, but I still feel that it depends on exactly how the content of these games is being presented. Should it be banned? Maybe, maybe not; that's an issue for Japan to decide; it comes down to 'should a niche market be catered for at the expense of offending others?'. Is it simply the case of 'don't like, then mind your own'? Well, that seems like a paltry excuse to me. Whether one likes it or not, to some people it's offensive, and ignoring that fact will only make it more offensive.
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