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Columbine (Offline)
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07-12-2009, 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
Yes please!

Could you write a list?
I am interested!
Ok. These are all exclamations or stock phrases. Some mean "!" more than others, so I have added what each one means in brackets ( ) afterwards. I also thought of some more general ones too.

General/ international:
"Really!?" (Disbelief)
"Never!" (Disbelief)
"Ouch!" ("that hurt!")
"Brr!" ("it's cold!")
"Whew!" (relief. "That was close!")
"Urgh!" ("that's disgusting!")
"Psst!" ("listen!")
"Shh!" ("Be Quiet!")
"Hey!" (to get attention or to object)
"Ha!" (when something goes right for you. For example, You win a game, "Ha! I won!". It can also show contempt. "Ha! You lost!")
"Shoot!" (when something goes wrong)
"Holy~!" (Surprise)

Polite British:
"Oh my!" (shock)
"Typical!" (this is often sarcastic, or when something goes wrong. You find out the bus is running late; "Typical!". Wimbledon is cancelled because of rain. "Typical!")
"Drat!" (when something goes wrong)
"Yikes!" (surprise)
"Yeesh!" ( mild frustration or sympathy. "Yeesh! this is hard..." "Yeesh! that's not nice.")
"Rubbish!" ("I don't believe you".)
“Blast!” (when something goes wrong)
"Brill!" (that's amazing!")

Semi-polite; these might be considered impolite some places. Some of these are also used in other countries, not just Britain.

"Christ!" (Surprise)
"Jesus!" (Surprise)
"Jesus Christ!" (Surprise)
"What the devil?!" (Surprise, questioning. "What the devil are you doing!?" or "What the hell are you doing?!")
"Oi!" (to get attention, to object to something)
"Oh hell!" (when something goes wrong)
"Bloody hell!" (Surprise or used when something goes wrong. Sometimes used in admiration: "I got the highest grade in my class!" "Bloody hell! That's amazing!")
“Good god!” (“That’s terrible!”)
“Good heavens!” (surprise)

"Bugger!" (when something goes wrong)
"Oh bugger it" (when something goes wrong)
"Piss!" (when something goes wrong)
"Oh piss it (all)!" (when something goes wrong)
"Arse!" (when something goes wrong)
"Wank!" (when something goes wrong)
"Bullshit!" ("I don't believe you at all")
"Damn" (when something goes wrong, not as rude as the rest.)
"Crap!" ("I'm in trouble", when something goes wrong)
"Balls!" (when something goes wrong. also: "Oh balls!")

British dialect:
These exclaimations show either an accent, or are used only by very specific kinds of people. They're not often used but still interesting. Many are hard to pronounce and make the speaker sound very silly! Also, these exclamations are mostly voluntary- when they are used, the speaker has actually decided to use them. The exclamations in the lists above are mostly involuntary- when they are used the speaker is reacting strongly and without thinking.

"Blimmin 'eck" (impressed, when something goes wrong)
"Blimmin 'ell" (when something goes wrong)
"Mint!" (awesome!)
"Gert lush!" (Awesome!)
"Urgh, Mingin'!" (That's Ugly/ Disgusting.)
"I say!" (surprise, objection)
"Poppycock!" ('I don't believe you')
"Alreet my luvver!" (Hello old friend!)
“Flipping Nora!” (surprise or impressed)
“Ooh by 'eck!” ('That hurts', 'that's a lot of effort' or surprise. For example, picking up a box that is very heavy, "Ooh, by 'eck! My back!")
“Lummie bill!” (Surprised or impressed)
“Ooh Lummie!” (same as "Ooh by 'eck!")
“A half-penneth and gawd elp us!” ("Oh dear, this isn't good." "You are ridiculous")
“Blimey bill!” (Surprise)
"Gordon Bennett!"(Surprise)
“Chuffing Marvellous!” (That's good!)
“Chuffing hell!” (That's good, or exasperation)
“Ee by gum!” (same as 'Ooh by 'eck')
“By gum!” (That's good! or surprise)
“God’s blood!” (surprise or horror. shock)
“Cor!” (wow!)
“Ruddy hell” (bloody hell)
“Roody hell” (bloody hell)
“Chocks Away!” (Let's go!)
“Tally ho!” (Let's go!)
“Pip pip!” (goodbye/hello. no real meaning.)
"What ho!" (hello!)
“Innit!” ("isn't it!" "i agree" often on the end of sentences as a question "Isn't it?" "Do you agree?", for example "The Matrix is cool Innit?", "Innit!". Can have no meaning at all, "Look at my new car innit!"
“Luvaduck!” (surprise)
“Oh Dash it (all)!” (frustration)
“Pish and Tosh” (That's not true or I don't believe you)
“What rot!” (That's not true or I don't believe you)
“Now see here!” (You are being rude or unpleasant.)
“Steady on!” (You are getting too emotional. You are being too active)
“Fiddle sticks!” (when something goes wrong)
“Gutted!” ("That bad!" usually not sympathetic.)
“Well stone the crows!” (Surprise)
“Wotcha!” (Hello!)
“Wotcher!” (Hello!)
“Jiminy Cricket!” (surprise)
"Beard!" (I don't believe you)
"Itchy Beard!" (I really don't believe you!)
"Ten Four!" (I understand)
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