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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-17-2009, 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by kemey View Post
金印鑑株式会社 ??? what is the enish name for it ? where is it ? does it have a homepage what is the company about ? i found it in myfriend's notepad. Thank you

(I am afraid he is having an afair with someone working in that company) Help me find it please
It's odd that you're spying on your friend. Pretty rotten even. But this makes for an exciting translation request!

But the last four characters mean, basically, "corporation." The entity is a bit different than a US corporation, but it's more or less the same for our purposes. I'm reading the first part Kin'inkan, but I can't find a webpage for it in Japanese or English. 金印艦 is something like "Golden seal."

However, I found this information about the 金印: 金印 - Wikipedia which tells a different story entirely.

Why don't you paste the entire thing you found and we can figure out what it says. That would probably be better than you posting random bits out of context, hoping we can find a webpage or something.

Kin'inkan Corporation.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 07-17-2009 at 11:47 AM.
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