Thread: Child Murder
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bELyVIS (Offline)
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07-21-2009, 02:56 AM

I feel that the social restraints placed on a Japanese by their own culture make them feel very frustrated. They allow things to build up inside of them until they absolutely can't take it any longer and go crazy. I had seen this a lot with my girlfriend's business. I remember one lady in particular that had several small issues that she was angry about and never mentioned it to anybody until she got to the point that she was screaming and yelling like a crazy person demanding her money back for her classes she paid for. After my girlfriend refund of the money for several of her classes, she acted like everything was back to normal. She even asked to be let back into the classes. She got very angry when my girlfriend refused to let her back in.

I think that these people who commit murder probably hold their feelings in for as long as they can take it and instead of letting it out in a healthy manner they take it out on the first person or people they run into. This isn't a problem if they don't have a knife or gun. But like what happened in Tokyo and think it was last year, were the man jumped out of the truck and stabbed seven people on the street, this anger can be very destructive and deadly. I am glad to see that most of the younger Japanese are learning to be more open with their feelings. This gives me great hope for the future there.

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