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(#232 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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07-28-2009, 07:07 PM

Exactly, Jason.

I think it is good to get a publisher's viewpoint, and it is interesting to notice how he points out how conventions are getting more popular but sales are declining.

In the modern world musicians make almost nothing on album sales. Basically any money made goes to the record companies, but the musicians make money off touring. Even if people steal...sorry, DL their music for free online, the concert is an experience which cannot be duplicated.

Anime and manga makers don't have that to fall back on. I can only gather from the conclusions of his post that more people are taking the stuff for free online.

So then people argue, "Well then, manga publishers need to start working on digital delivery." But if people are reading it for free digitally, are they going to turn around and start paying for it digitally? Many of these same pirates claim to prefer the physical copies. Does it work both ways?
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