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(#5 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
09-06-2009, 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by Banzai View Post
If I had the money to just go there and make a not so fascinating living, would it be possible? I'd save up enough to keep me safe for atleast 3 months.
What is it with Japan which would make a youngster like you abandon the best country in the world while forfeiting their education to join the underbelly of Japan and it's workforce of unskilled, uneducated labour?

My suggestion to you is to finish your degree before you even consider going to Japan - even if it's via the Working Holiday program.

If you've ever been to Japan, you should realize just how serious they take post-secondary education over there.

Heck, when I met my last girl (which was through omiyai), her parents grilled not only me about my university/degree but they also wanted to know the education level of my siblings and parents as well!
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