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joeyj (Offline)
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09-07-2009, 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Look, it's pointless to argue with people of faith, any faith. They believe and that's not something you can try to out reason.

Kozyra; I'm fine with your faith, I'm not going to try and out argue faith with faith, that's like two black holes fighting over gravity.

I personally don't think Mohammand was anything more than warlord who got lucky. That's my personal view, if I'm wrong, then that will be between Allah and me. If your wrong, then that will be between Christ and you. If we are both wrong and the Jews are right, then it will be between us and Jehova and so forth on down the line with all the other relgions out there.

I think the real problem we have in the world is that too many folks try to force thier version of God/Allah/Jehova/Budda on everyone else. Even though I'm sure most relgions have the devine being prefering people choose freely. Like my gramps allways said "A person forced against thier will, is of the same opion still".

In my case, all I can do is live as Christlike a life as I can, testify about my faith and then let folks choose for themselves wether they wish to live that life or not. It isn't my place to make them do anything one way or the other.
This is another reason I enjoy being agnostic, I don't have to get involved with these kind of debates about which religion is right