Thread: the GazettE
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(#364 (permalink))
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TheCrimson (Offline)
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09-24-2009, 08:43 AM

plagiarising. no. but if you're tuned into music musically. that is know a thing or two about melody, a lot of japanese music have pretty much the same melody. i have about 5 gig of indie japanese music (459 artists). i kid you not, i'll put something on, and i'll know the melody, even if i haven't heard that particular song or artist before.
this is because the japanese found their "nickelback theory" the same melody, just different instruments, words, etc. i have noticed a lot of rehashing happen with GazettE and Gackt in particular. i love GazE and all, am just a little disappointed with the past few singles, Distress and Coma in particular. its a rehashed Bathroom.
like Gackt's Redemption. if you listen to that, and Mind Forest. it's the exact same melody and structure.
the nickelback theory. its when artists get lazy
Dir en Grey happens to be one of the so called "pioneers" of the j-music movement in the west. every other band wants to be big like them. they know Dir en Grey music work with the fans, and so they get all the other artists to sound like them.
and if you don't already know, a lot of the big record companies in Japan are run by the Yakuza. the band's creativity does not become a priority once they are signed. they are to make what the record company thinks the fans will like. and of course, make the look the main focus of the whole thing.
good on Miyavi for moving on from PSC

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