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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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09-29-2009, 11:52 AM

English conversation schools are rather strange places, though they have gotten a little better since Nova went under.

Firstly, appearance is important. Conversation schools want attractive people, the kinds of foreigners which Japanese people see on television. You want your hair cut shortly and neatly, and you want to dress as well as possible. Be bright and energetic, smile a lot, like a Sunday school teacher for kindergartners.

Next, too much experience is a bad thing. Conversation schools like to hire younger people who are just out of university. Younger, less experienced people will be less likely to want to jump ship after they arrive in Japan. Too many people go through the process of getting hired at a conversation school just so they can get their foot into Japan with a work visa.

It's too bad your interview with AEON didn't work out. Many businesses in Japan are operating in "survival mode" at the moment, and are hiring only when absolutely necessary. AEON has a decent reputation among teachers, though I hear ECC is a better place to work.

Good luck with your ECC interview, let us know what happens there.
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