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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-02-2009, 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by GTJ View Post
Hi all,

I'm really gunning for a spot in a kitchen somewhere here in Osaka (preferably Italian), and as such I would like to improve my cooking-related vocab. Verbs, nouns, and especially adjectives; all the good stuff.

Usually I'm the guy to google things for people but initial google searches don't really yield anything too helpful ( is awful and doesn't count).

So... does anyone have any resources? Or do you just wanna dump some knowledge in here?
Why not just go to and search for 料理 and see where you go from there?

Alternatively, go to the English wikipedia page for anything (frying, saucepan, creme brulee, etc.) and then click on the Japanese link on the left hand side of the page.
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