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JF Ossan
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10-05-2009, 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by IcewindDude View Post
Speaking of nitpicking, why is it that some people on this forum are so nitpickingly sensitive about any comment that is not glorifying Japan? Last time I checked this was a Japan forum. This means talking about the good things and the bad, or weird for that matter...

Furthermore, for anyone who does not understand American humor, pointing out stuff that is different in a "what gives?" kind of manner is pretty common. Yeah, Seinfield did it to the extremes, but that humor is the basis of most American comedians. It's not necessarily negative, but it points out differences in a light-hearted manner and certainly not something to dig deep into. The topic was going well until someone jumped in and turned the topic sour real quick.
If you are talking about me, then you obviously haven't read a lot of my posts. I am probably more critical of those that glorify Japan than nitpick.

And I don't think GTJ meant this thread as a joke, and if you read closely you will see this is one of a recent pattern of threads from him like this, so I gave my opinion as to why he might be getting nit-picky and frustrated with life in Japan.
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