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(#31 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Feb 2008
10-10-2009, 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
No one has put up any "proof" why the president shouldn't get the prize, or how he isn't helping the international community (which is what the prize is about).

And I know exactly what the naysayers think, too. I wish it were more based in reality than just pure hatred, like so many of the right-wing talk show hosts.
I wouldn't call it pure hatred. There are a lot of naysayers that supported Obama in the beginning only to start disliking him after the decisions he has come to make. It seems as the main reason why some are so defensive of Obama in particular is because of his ethnicity. As if everyone that doesn't agree with Obama or his followers is a in-the-closet racist.

[<--Nan's heart!]

Last edited by JayT : 10-10-2009 at 02:19 AM.
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