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10-13-2009, 06:27 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

I realize that 11 minutes is 10 minutes and 40 seconds longer than most of you will be willing to spend on a YouTube video, but this offers a perspective that some of you may not have heard.

Rachel Maddow is not a journalist pretending to be unbiased, but is a left-wing talk show host, just to make that clear. Regardless, she brings some perspective we haven't seen here.
It is always nice to see things from a different perspective. To me, I believe Obama handled things well. He recognized that while he does not put himself at the same level of so many great figures who won the Nobel Peace Prize in their search for peace, he understands that the Nobel Peace Prize can also be a way to show support for a cause, and in that regard, he accepted the award.

Another thing I would like to comment on are the clips in the video of people cheering and celebrating the Olympics not being in America. I mean seriously, having the Olympics being in America would have been a great honor, and I can't believe how many people were opposed to it simply because Obama supported it. I supported having the Olympics in America not because Obama did but because I did. And I believe those who opposed having the Olympics in America should have had reasons other than just trying to oppose Obama.

In any case, I have to agree with Rachel Maddow's closing words. America should be happy that our president received such an award.
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